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Things Return as They Were ~ Japanese Matcha Tea

Japanese tea ceremony is a formal presentation.  The service is the winter presentation. This ceremony is preparing and presenting the matcha. This ceremony is centuries old and is about purification, harmony, respect, and tranquility.

Matcha Tea Leaves Preparation 

This matcha is the highest grade of matcha specifically used for ceremonies. The flavor is a stronger umami. This blend of tea leaves specifically grown for the ceremony. The farmer covers the leaves shortly before harvest. This stimulates an increase in chlorophyll (increases the dark leaves) and amino acid (producing theanine). The handpicked leaves, only the highest grades of matcha are handpicked.  The leaves steaming prevents oxidation. The leaves are gently rolled, shaped, and dried (laying them flat to dry causes the leaves to crumble).  The leaves sorted by grade and slowly stone ground, watching the temperature of the stones hot stones causing a taste in the aroma. The Japanese matcha is a strong grassy flavor.


Sensei (先生), at the Japan House in Urbana, Illinois, discusses how the matcha  is fabulous for the skin. She says, “it is high in vitamin C. When you wake up tomorrow your skin will feel renewed.” There are many benefits of matcha tea the include:

This is great for a wonderful set of health and wellness benefits, but the ceremony is a connection to the person.

Japan House







Matcha Tea Ceremony

The Japan House motto is,  “the Way of Tea,” representing nature, heaven, and earth. This service was a winter presentation. The mats are laid in the pattern that each guest sits and the hearth is low to bring more warmth to the room. The hostess and guests bow to each other. The ceremony develops for westerners who find the traditional floor sitting difficult.  A chabana, a beautiful flower arrangement sitting to the side. The seasonal arrangement represents winter This connects the room to nature.  There is a connection to water, earth, wood, fire, and metal with the utensils used for preparation.  This ceremony and ritual date back centuries with details being the key to the ceremony.

Japan House








The ceremony is a stand and bow. This takes place at the beginning and end of the ceremony. The hostess presents each guest with a sweet. These handcrafted sweets are eaten just before the service. The sweet enhances the matcha flavor.

The matcha tea preparation is meticulous and precise movements. The master prepares each chawan (茶碗), bowl, of tea with as if conducting a beautiful symphony. The hostess delicately scoops the tea powder into a ceramic cup, pours hot water from a hot iron kettle into the cup with a long-handled ladle, and then mixes the powder and water together with a bamboo whisk to create a thick tea. The chawan are bowls that have one side that is more beautiful than the other. The hostess presents the tea with the prettiest side facing the guest. Prior to drinking the tea, the guest turns the bowl 90 degrees to face the prettiest side back to the hostess. The bowl presented during the ceremony is a painted flower blossom.

The ceremony is one of purification even down to the socks worn. Hakama, they are white and clean representative of purity. The cleansing of the equipment in front of the guests is not to clean, but to show purity. Respect as the guest receiving bowl with the hostess and when the tea bowls presented to them bow to the person seated next to them. This as if to say this is for you, and the guest replies with a bow as if saying no please you go ahead.

The tea is a beautiful vibrant green with a strong earthy flavor. This is a time for the guest to focus and stay in the moment. Each step of the ceremony requires a focus and concentration to the ritual. The ceremony ends with the utensils being cleaned and placed back as when the ceremony started.

Things all returned the way they were except us. The ceremony brings a deeper sense of harmony, respect, purity, and tranquility changing us while all else remains the same.


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