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“That’s All Folks” The Talented Bob Bergen Voice of Porky Pig

Creative Arts Emmys® 4Chion Lifestyle

Creative Arts Emmys®


Bob Bergen, the voice of Porky Pig, joins us on the red carpet at the Emmys® Creative Arts Awards with a little voice over of Porky Pig. His talent is vastly beyond Porky Pig. His voice overs include television and movies. His résumé includes commercials, Wall E, Toy Story, and Star Wars: The Clone Wars to name just a very few.

His dream to do the voice of Porky Pig started at the age of 5. He told his mother he wanted to be Porky Pig. When he was 14 he started by reaching out to Mel Blanc, the voice-over actor for Porky Pig, at the time. He took the advice provided by Mel Blanc and when the time was right he achieved his dream. This voice over actor performs the iconic role providing tears, laughter, and memories that will live on for generations to come.

Bob Bergen’s talents have benefited from the Television Academy for decades. He is a member of the Board of Governor for Television Academy Performers Peer Group. Bob Bergen, an active member since in 1994, provides service on the:

He states, “there are 107 events held with the Television Academy.” Each event takes the time to honor and celebrate each nominee, show, and talent.

Bob Bergen is excited to share that Lily Tomlin Television Academy Governor, is honored during the 23rd Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Awards show in January. She will be receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award. He also had great accolades for Kathy Bates and her exception career.

Bob Bergen’s daily success is showing up and being present. This daily success is present in his life since his first phone call with Mel Blanc. He ended the interview with the classic Porky Pig, “That’s All Folks!”


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