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The Waffle Iron for the Decades

waffle iron 4chion lifestyle foodie

Waffle Iron for The Decades

The waffle iron that lasts for decades. The one I still use today comes from a yard sale in Long Beach Washington (1997), the longest beach in the world.

Generational Waffle Iron

Waffle Iron Story

The request while at the beach home was waffles for Sunday breakfast. Just as we drove from a moment downtown Long Beach we find a yard sale. The Hamilton waffle iron is right for the best price of $2. It was a gem for the day if even for the Sunday meal.

This waffle iron has been around since then. It always works and makes perfect waffles. It has gone from the beach to home to the desert in a move. The children have grown and started there own families. The tradition continues with the waffle iron for my granddaughter.

Recently #FoodieEllie (my granddaughter) requested waffles for a Saturday breakfast. She said, “I am going to watch TV while you make me waffles, pleeaassee grammy.” I did take the time to make the waffles.

This is a perfect brunch after the 4th of July holiday weekend. #FoodieEllie loves blueberries and they can be added fresh it gives a nice squeeze of juice inside. Her 4th of July in Champaign Illinois was blueberry waffles. She found the blueberries at the local farmers market. Perfection.

Foodie Ellie Blueberry Pancakes

Waffle Recipe

Waffle Ingredients

Here is the reciepe for a great waffle for your weekend celebration. Children will be a great help with creating this meal.

Waffle Breakfast
Waffle Directions

Do you have a waffle iron story? Please post your response using #4ChionFoodie. Happy National Waffle Iron Day.



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