Cheers to Art Basel Miami ~ Daniel Chimowitz
In writing this article, I first found myself repeating what I wrote last year. I guess I really want you to understand how much I love being amongst fellow artists, art enthusiasts, and art. So instead of reiterating my love of Art Basel Miami, I am here to tell you which of the art I would want to rip off the wall and take home with me …AND to take you on a journey to the party splendor that glows within Art Basel Miami.
In this concentrated sea of art, there is a hope that just around the corner displays a heart-stopping piece from one of my favorite artists or something new and amazing. I found 3 needles and a pair of shoes in this haystack of art.
Jean Dubuffet, The painter of all time. I dropped my jaw when I saw his paintings on the wall of the Landau Fine Art salon. Not only was I blown away by their beauty, I was shocked to see them in front of me, here at Art Basel, in Miami, when Jean Dubuffet worked diligently to keep many of his paintings together in his own Foundation in France, the Dubuffet Foundation. I went into a dreamlike state. I feel connected. His abstract lines and images appeal to the inner workings of my infamous crazy mind. It is as if Dubuffet was looking deep within me to calm me with the warmth of his pastels and deep-set figures. He is self-taught, famous within is home, France, and abroad. Cheers, Art Basel! For providing a venue where I can indulge in the art that I wouldn’t fathom seeing on the beach of Miami, and here I can go up to art and take a selfie, something impossible to do at his museum in Paris.
Erró, a famed artist from Iceland, took center stage at the Convention Center. In the U.S. we would call him a pop artist, taking what’s current and displaying it in an art form. His rendition of the war in the Middle East is definitely eye-catching. Lots of detail and strong imagery. I could have looked at it for hours, finding many hidden meanings among the paint. This Erró is all in grayscale, which makes it move thick and slow in my veins. For this visceral feeling, I have nominated to be amongst the greatest on my living room wall, though, because of the dark imagery my partner would sequester it into my studio. I can be inspired by it there, no problem. Who wants to gift this to my man cave?
The 3rd needle I found requires a jackhammer or just your average crowbar for me to take the art home. Chanoir is one of my favorite street artists. Again, Cheers, Art Basel! This time for Wynnwood, the place to see Street Art in all of its glory. Chanoir is living room approved! I love the never-ending use of color and happiness in his art. Looking on the walls he canvases, I feel the sugar rush from eating my imaginary bowl of everything I love that is filled with everything that is (quote) “bad” for you. Since I can’t quite take an original like this home with me, I can at least Like his Facebook page…and so can you: https://www.facebook.com/chanoir1980/
Now on to the festivities…
My shoes, yes my shoes always get more attention than anything else I’m wearing. That’s because I’m obsessed with Jeremy Scott’s designs, his are the only shoes I’ve worn for the last 3 years, minus a pair of Italian driving loafers. He is one of my favorite designers of all time, Alexander McQueen of course is my absolute favorite, but I will never meet him, unfortunately. So attending the Jeremy Scott party was The Highlight of my Basel (yes, I just possessed “Basel”). It begins to rain les chats et les chiens as I saunter in with my Go for Gold with Latest Wings 3.0. The rain cleared the dance floor. The DJ didn’t stop and someone covers him so the party can go on! I take cover quickly and realize that I’m right next to Mr. Jeremy Scott. We take a photo, chat about his awesome work, and then about 25 of us flood the stage and dance in the rain. The staff is freaking, people are jumping in the pool. I’m freaking the stage and feeling thankful again. This time for Swarovski for making a mobile phone attachment that makes my photo of Jeremy Scott so dreamy.
Another memorable event was the Ducati’s Scrambler party. I didn’t bring my Italian driving loafers to Miami this year, but I could smell the tasty Italian leather as I walked past a line of Lamborghinis outside the hotel, they were of all shapes and colors. One was painted in slated gold camouflage. [insert whistle] The attendees were beyond well dressed, Italy’s finest. Everyone I met could be a friend for life. Not sure why I’m mentioning this, maybe just to give you another side of Art Basel, or to keep the memory alive. Moving on…
Art Gaysel, definitely an honorable mention. It’s my fourth year at Art Basel and this year was the first that I found the subsection. Throughout Art Basel there seems to be something for everyone. I felt at home at the Hotel Gaythering’s Art Gaysel, back in the Castro in San Francisco where I grew up in the LGBT community. This painting is the only one that didn’t have a cock on it. Cheers!
Written by Daniel Chimowitz contributor
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