Food is a sensory experience that should carry to the table setting. The menu, setting, and food should coordinate together to say exactly what you are serving. You want the food to present in an atmosphere that tells the same story.
Presenting your food is achieved by setting the proper tableware in the correct location for the meal experience. This provides for efficiency, geometrically pleasing, and effectiveness. Your simple table setting should be as follows:
Spoons and knife placed right of the plate 1″ from the edge of the table.
Soup spoon furthest from the plate
Teaspoon in the middle from the plate
Dinner knife to closest to the plate
Forks placed left of the plate 1′ from the edge of the table.
Do not distract from the visual appeal of the food
Textures can help with the sensory dining experience
When serving your dinner remember that it is a sensory experience from start to finish. The setting prepares the diners for a sensory dining experience.
Memorial Day is the first celebration of the summer holiday. Many spend their time at the poolside, beach, or picnicking. Food, family, and fun are key to this holiday.
This holiday celebration to honor those who have served and lost their lives protecting America. This holiday started shortly after the Civil War. We deeply appreciate the sacrifice of many and their families. This traditionally was known as decoration day. As a child I remember going to Almo, Idaho (a small town near the City of Rocks & Burly Idaho) to clean up the family cemetery and decorating the graves for Memorial Day.
Enjoying family traditions and recipes during Memorial Day weekend creates a connection between ourselves and those who went on before us. We all have those tried and true recipes that come with no recipe card. It is fun to create your own traditions and recipes for the holidays.
This Memorial Day our menu will include Ciabatta and Cherry Almond Bundt Cake. It is one last time before the summer heat to get a few great bakes created. Ciabatta is a great, simple bread to start learning to create your own loaves of bread. The bread created by Arnaldo Cavallari, a miller,in Verona, Veneto, Italy in 1982 as a response to the popular French baguettes. This is a perfect bread for transportation.
Place flour, yeast (on the right side of the flour), and salt (on the left side of flour) 1 1/2 cup water in mixer bowl. Begin mixing on low. When the dough begins to form drizzle remaining 1/2 cup into the bowl and raise mixer to the next level up. Mix the dough for 5-8 minutes. You will know it is ready when it is stretchy and smooth.
Place dough in a square plastic container (enough room for bread to rise) with side oiled with olive oil. The square container assists with keeping the bread the proper shape for baking. Place lid on top. The lid keeps the dry skin from forming while bread rises. Raise dough until double in size about 1 1/2 – 1 3/4 hours at room temperature.
Dust a workspace well with flour (the dough will be sticky). Allow for it to naturally fall out of the container onto a floured surface. Coat the top of the dough with more flour. Handle the dough very carefully, don’t pat back down. You want to keep as much air as possible in the dough. Cut the dough lengthways into 4 equal sized loaves. Slightly stretch each piece lengthways and place on oiled baking trays. Let rest 30-45 min on a baking sheet.
Pre-heat oven 425 degrees. Baked bread 25 min. until golden brown and sounds hollow when tapped. Cool completely on wire racks.
You can make your own maraschino cherries (make two days in advance)
1 pint of sour cherries
1 cup maraschino liqueur (possible substitutes are Amaretto, Grand Marnier, or contact your local store for assistance)
Bring liqueur to a simmer. Turn off the heat, and add the cherries, stir, let cool, and pour into jars. Refrigerate. Make these a day or two before using. Cherries last for months.
1 Cup all-purpose white flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
3/4 cup unsalted softened butter (do not microwave)
3/4 white sugar (pulse slightly in the food processor before measuring)
Zest of 1 lemon
1/8 cup plus 2 tsp. finely ground almonds
3 large eggs
Pre-heat oven 350 degrees. Fluff flour and baking powder until well mixed in a bowl. Add all ingredients except the cherries to the mixer bowl, mix on medium speed for 2 minutes. Lightly fold cherries into batter. Place in a well butter bundt pan. Bake 25-45 min. When cooled and cake starts to pull from sides of pan remove from pan to cooling rack. Finish with Ganache and toasted almonds (place sliced almonds in a warmed pan and toss lightly until golden brown) on top.
In a heavy saucepan, bring heavy cream to boil. Turn off the heat. Add chopped chocolate pieces and let it rest until melted (this is key). Use a rubber spatula to stir the mixture until all the pieces are melted. Pour it into a room-temperature bowl, cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate ganache until it is firm.
The weekend meal included trout almondine, roasted garlic green beans, ciabatta bread, and cherry almond cake. A nice pinot noir is served with the meal.
May your holiday be filled with great memories and remember your lifestyle is worth the best.
What is old is new again. We see this in film, television, summer fashion trends, and food. The concept of farm to table is beginning to take traction in America. The concept that food is healthy, increases energy and provides proper nutrients is a value many are finding for their lifestyle.
Modern Market
Anthony Pigliacampo, co-owner of Modern Market, decides in 2009 the time was like no other to step aside his corporate job and begin a change in food choices for eating out. The ability to find a healthy choice at a reasonable price was the basis for the restaurant. This was the beginning of Modern Market.
Modern Market
Modern Market brings the farm to table concept with a modern flair. The food is prepared from farm fresh ingredients in each location each day. The staff is trained and well prepared to cook each meal from scratch that nourishes the mind and body. The food philosophy is, “Have you ever noticed, when you eat great food you feel good?”
Modern Market Staff
Pigliacampo attends the soft opening of Ahwahnee’s Modern Market. He states, “healthy food, every ingredient we consciouslysource. “We actually find the vendor, negotiate with our vendors about the quality products. Arizona is a good location for farm to table. Many of our greens are literally 30 hours ground to our restaurant.” The philosophy is a holistic view on health, added sugar is the devil and good fats are friends.
Modern Market Dinner Plates
Modern Market serves breakfast, lunch, dinner, and catering. The menu includes:
The evening was a delight. We enjoyed a warm cozy atmosphere. The menu is wholesome ingredients. The freshness was filled with savory flavors. Ray and I enjoyed:
Chicken Breast
Hormone and antibiotic free herb roasted chicken with chimichurri sauce
Macaroni and cheese
Roasted asparagus (the asparagus did not have the woody area removed)
The restaurant provides self-service for ordering & drinks, prices affordable and warm atmosphere. The menu was beautifully simple. Looking forward to a healthier choice when eating out.