Kyle Denman ~ She is Spilling Her Champagne

The gown took the theme and champagne significant during the 1920s to create a look of spilling champagne. The theme and gown bring the relevance and fashion forward. The gold bust is made from vegan leather. This look takes on the color of freshly poured champagne. This brings a richness and elegance. Taking the flapper texture to a new modern look. The 30 yards of organza is hand sewn to create the bubbles from the spilling champagne. This creation is ébullition (French for bubbling). The small hand-sewn pearls give a nice texture and representation of smaller bubbles in champagne. This is an elegant avant-garde gown bringing the theme full circle.

Where Fashion Design Started
Denman changed his life career from a degree in political science to fashion. He was new to sewing, but that did not stop him from changing his career. He is a graduate of the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (FIDM) and an associate professor at FIDM. Project Runway awarded Denman grand prize in the ReMake It Work Contest.
His approach to design is sensual, sexy, modern, with a hint of classic remaining. The woman he designs for feels beautiful, powerful, and elegant. He is a powerhouse that will be one of the top designers in America.

Balancing Life with Health and Wellness
He works hard on success every day. The one thing he does each day to make it successful is, “Every morning, I wake up and have a cup of coffee while I journal. Journaling is incredibly important for me to collect all of my thoughts, both intellectual and creative. I will write, sketch, and list things and people for which I am grateful. This helps me stay humble and helps me recognize the important people in my life who have helped me get to where I am today. I also pick an outfit that matches the mood I want to have. I have studied a bit about the metaphysics of fashion, and it’s really astounding. I also like to accessorize my look with a watch, which is my go-to accessory. Once I have that on, I am ready for the day!” His has a dedication to staying focused and balanced in life.
Balancing life with the stress of the fashion industry is key to keeping the focus. Denman finds balance by, “Fashion design is an incredibly personal form of art. Whenever I make a garment or a collection, I really invest my time and inject a bit of myself, my mind, and my heart into it. I try to tell a story. I think that’s what makes fashion so profound—it is so personal. Because of the work, I do as a teacher, the confluence of work and personal life is incredibly dramatic. In order to balance these two areas, I try to organize myself as much as possible. I have a to-do list with me at all times, and my planner is color-coated and matches a calendar that I have in my room. I try to never have free time, either. Instead, time is always dedicated towards something, even if it means time to relax or time to spend with friends. I also think maintaining a stress-free life is a mindset. Rather than think that I am busy and stressed, I think that I am hard-at-work and focused on my career.” This shows in his ability to stay well-rounded as a step to staying healthy in a busy life.
Denman focuses on healthy living with a focus on his mental health. He states, “Fashion design is an incredibly stressful field. Staying healthy can be very difficult to do—oftentimes, I will leave my apartment as soon as the sun rises and will not return until after midnight. The industry is long days. Because my schedule is so busy, I try to stay healthy by staying mentally healthy as well as physically healthy. Besides exercising (my friend trains me here-and-there and helps record my progress). I will often read books or scholarly articles, listen to podcasts or TED Talks, or visit museums on free days to continuously stimulate my mind. Additionally, I try to eat as healthy as possible. Sometimes, it may just be some packed vegetables and hummus for lunch because of my schedule, but I really try to keep up a healthy lifestyle. However, I know that I can always be healthier (I just love baking homemade chocolate chip cookies!).”

He approaches life and success with a strong force and determination. His best achievement to date is, “receiving the title of Young Fashion Designer of the Year is an incredible achievement. Truly, it is an honor. It was also amazing to be recognized as the Grand Prize Winner of the Project Runway Remake It Work Contest. However, I would also consider being a teacher an achievement that I hold very close to my heart. I now teach fashion design through a nonprofit called Freedom and Fashion. I teach young women who are survivors of human trafficking, homelessness, abuse, assault, and other injustices. These young students and designers are so special to me, and being able to spend time with them is an achievement to me—they are so talented and are so kind. It’s really an honor to be in their presence and call them students and friends. I love watching them grow as designers and as people; I can honestly say my heart is so full when I am with them.” He brings his skill, energy, and power to other providing future opportunities for many.
Future Goals
I would love to continue designing for celebrity clients and entering fashion shows around the world. Being able to witness the transformation of a garment or a collection is really special. From idea to sketch to sample to completed look, the transformative appeal of fashion is undeniable. To have the ability to be so creative is amazing, and I feel incredibly lucky to have the chance to be so creative every day. I hope to expand upon this creativity, continue to work hard and working with Freedom and Fashion. A long-term dream of mine has always been to work on Dancing with the Stars as one of the designers.
The young designers are ages 9-25 years. The vision is to present an international platform for dynamic young designers. This is to help them to find their niche as people and become a brand in their own right. Increasing the numbers and visibility of young and exceptionally gifted multi-cultural designers. Then encourage them to reach their true potential, by rewarding those who excel both creatively and academically.
Watch for Denman on the runway he is a force that will bring fashion forward with a classic women designs.
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