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Some May Even Call it Love ~ Niiffe

Some May Even Call it Love ~ Niiffe

Life brings vigor and invincible feeling you get from a brand new connection, some may even call it love. This collection by Niiffe is strong, bold, powerful, and modern. The collection brings femininity, passion, and strength.

Niiffe NYC Soiree 4Chion Lifestyle Love
NYC Soiree Niiffe Red Dress Collection

The Collection Love

The woman who wears these designs are in tune with her curves, body, and wants to accentuate every part. This is an opening of heart, mind, and being indestructible. The beautiful red color is perfect bringing longing, lust, sexuality, sensitivity, and romance to the collection. The woman is independent and willing to take risks. She hair and makeup details below. Omobolaji A Onaolapo, the designer at Niiffee, brings her understanding lines to complete the femininity and passion.

Omobolaji A Onaolapo Designer of Love Collection

Onaolapo began sewing from watching her mother sew curtains and bedding. She began with pencil sketches and began creating her clothing while in college. Soon her friends began asking for her to create clothing of them. Completing her degree she worked in the gas and oil industry, but one day decided to quit and focus on her golden empire, fashion.

Onaolapo began with a bespoke brand catering mainly for weddings and special events. Her designs have been on many red carpets and celebrities. Her designs represent her belief that women should fit the clothing and not the clothing fitting the woman. This spring summer 2018 collection brings the woman to a look that fits her every curve and line in an asymmetrical fashion.  Onaolapo stays focused and directed each day on her talent and dreams.

Niiffe Katherine Angelique NYC Soiree 4Chion Lifestyle love
NYC Soiree Niiffe Red Dress Collection Photo by Katherine Angelique

Balance In Life

Onaolapo enjoys starting her day successful. She states, “The first thing I do in the morning is open my eyes and say a prayer of gratitude. I know it sounds silly but it gets me positive and ready for the day when I acknowledge all the great things I have going for me.” This positive start to the day helps her maintain balance in life.

Developing an international fashion company takes a lot of time and effort. She maintains a balance by, “making sure I have a start and stop times. Yes, some days I can’t help it when work runs later than planned but I make sure that doesn’t happen a lot. So my loved ones don’t feel neglected and I have time for myself as well,” she says. This is an important example of taking care of self and personal relationships.

She continues with life balance and with exercise, a lot. She works on, strength training, yoga, and cardio. I can’t do without my workout routines. I am also super conscious of my diet so I try to stick to natural meals and freshly cooked meals.” Her focus on balancing her health, relationships, and business keep her on track to continue focusing on personal goals and achievement.

NYC Soiree Red dress fashion 4chion lifestyle love
NYC Soiree Niiffe Red Dress Collection

Achievement and Goals

Her biggest achievement to date is that she has not quit. She says, “Because this job is super stressful and demanding. And despite that my brand keeps growing.” Her insight into the fashion industry and continuing to develop and grow is stressful but maintains a good life balance with health, focus, and personal relationships.

She continues to focus and drive with her goal in place. Her top goal is, “the future includes pushing my brand to a level of success where it becomes a force to be reckoned with in fashion. Another important goal of mine is to use my medium (Fashion) to make an impact in people’s lives. If I can help one or two people do their goals and make their dreams a reality then that translates to success for me.” She is aware of her brand, success, and the women she is designing.

NYC Soiree Niffee Red Dress Collection 4chion lfiestyle Love
NYC Soiree Niiffe Red Dress Collection

The future is bright and her collections focused for the modern woman who is looking to love herself, her style, and her body. Her spring-summer 2018 collection presented at the FDC-YDA Soiree in New York City.


The young designers are ages 9-25 years. The vision is to present an international platform for dynamic young designers. This is to help them to find their niche as people and become a brand in their own right. Increasing the numbers and visibility of young and exceptionally gifted multi-cultural designers. Then encourage them to reach their true potential, by rewarding those who excel both creatively and academically


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Photography full dress collection by Katherine Angelique connect here

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Makeup by Lola Flawless Makeup

Hair Elevated Hair By Tiffaney Muas

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